

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Coronavirus: The hospital built in a matter of days


The Chinese city of Wuhan is building a hospital in just a few days, to treat patients suspected of contracting the coronavirus.

a matter of ...

a matter of hours/minutes/inches/metres表示“只有几个小时、几分钟(或几英寸、几米等)之多;不多于…”,英文解释为“only a few hours, minutes, etc.”举个🌰:

It was all over in a matter of minutes.



熟词僻义,作动词,表示“患上,感染(疾病)”,英文解释为“to catch or become ill with a disease举个🌰:

He contracted malaria while he was travelling.



corona 日冕:a circle of light that can sometimes be seen around the moon at night, or around the sun during an eclipse (= a time when the moon is positioned exactly between the sun and the earth)

The 25,000-square-metre (30,000 sq yd) Huoshenshan Hospital, one of two new hospitals being built, is scheduled to open on Monday.

On 24 January, diggers were speedily clearing the ground where the hospital will sit.


表示“为…安排时间;安排,排定”,英文解释为“to arrange that an event or activity will happen at a particular time”举个🌰:

The flight is scheduled to arrive at 10:20, but it's running 15 minutes late.



1)表示“挖掘机,掘进器”,英文解释为“a machine used for digging”,如:a mechanical digger 挖掘机;

2)表示“淘金者,淘金矿工”,英文解释为“a person who mines for gold (= removes it from under the ground)”。


熟词僻义,表示“坐落在,位于”,英文解释为“to be in a particular position”举个🌰:

The town sits at/in the bottom of a valley.


China's health authorities say 304 people have died from the coronavirus, with more than 14,000 cases in the country and beyond.

The number of cases worldwide has surpassed that of the Sars epidemic, which spread to more than two dozen countries in 2003.


表示“优于; 超过”,英文解释为“If one person or thing surpasses another, the first is better than, or has more of a particular quality than, the second.”,举个🌰:

He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.


There were around 8,100 cases of Sars - severe acute respiratory syndrome - reported during that outbreak.

*SARS:严重急性呼吸系统综合征(俗称非典),Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome的缩写,a serious infectious illness that causes difficulty in breathing and sometimes death.

The coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan, home to around 11 million people.

According to state media, the new Huoshenshan Hospital will contain about 1,000 beds.

China's official CCTV broadcaster has been hosting livestreams so people can watch the hospitals being built in real-time - and they have proved an unlikely hit.


表示“非常受欢迎的人(或事);非常成功的人(或事)”,英文解释为“a thing or person that is very popular or successful”举个🌰:

Your cake was a real hit at the party - everyone commented.


The Beatles had a string of number-one hits in the 1960s.


The Global Times newspaper says more than 40 million people have been watching the livestreams in China.

The popularity of the footage has led to the construction vehicles earning unusual fame.

Cement mixers have found themselves with nicknames like "The Cement King", "Big White Rabbit" and "The White Roller".

cement mixer

cement mixer表示“水泥搅拌机”,英文解释为“a machine with a large container that turns round and round, in which cement, water, and small stones are mixed to make concrete”。

Huoshenshan Hospital is based on Xiaotangshan Hospital, set up in Beijing to help tackle the Sars virus in 2003.

Xiaotangshan Hospital was built in seven days, allegedly breaking the world record for the fastest construction of a hospital.

"China has a record of getting things done fast even for monumental projects like this," says Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations.


表示“巨大的”,英文解释为“very big”,如:a monumental task 重大的任务,a monumental waste of time 时间的巨大浪费。

Just like the hospital in Beijing, Huoshenshan Hospital will consist of prefabricated buildings.


表示“预制的,预先建造的”,英文解释为“Prefabricated buildings or objects are built from parts that have been made in a factory and can be put together quickly.”如:a prefabricated house 预制装配式房屋。

Mr Huang said that engineers would be brought in from across the country in order to complete construction in time.

"Engineering work is what China is good at. They have records of building skyscrapers at speed. This is very hard for Westerners to imagine. It can be done," he added.


表示“摩天大楼”,英文解释为“a very tall modern building, usually in a city”。

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